Something Might Be Gaining On You

by George D. Schultz



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 10/6/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781426913723

About the Book

In 1979 Detroit, Janet Bolton, 37, has been informed that her husband has been murdered, in Fort Worth. He’d deserted Janet – and their five children – eight years before. Janet had spent most of those lean years working in a literal sweatshop (a hot dry-cleaning establishment) for virtually slave wages.

Now even the small stipend her husband had sent twice monthly, would no longer be forthcoming. Steve Francis, the Michigan State Police detective – who’d informed her of her husband’s demise –secures a much better-paying, far less-taxing, clerical position for her.

Janet’s problems do not end there. She has to contend with a smelly, behemoth, man – who tries to rob and rape (and probably kill) her. There’s an unprincipled suitor lurking about it the weeds – and another whose intentions are difficult to gauge.

Her sister’s husband commits suicide – in Chicago. Janet travels to “The Windy City” and fetches the widow. However, the sister’s philosophy is not highly-principled. She tries to entice Janet into numerous questionable endeavors.

In the midst of all this, Janet’s Number-Two Daughter is kidnapped – an offshoot of her father’s criminal activity in Texas.

There’s also a problem with Steve. Janet blunders into a raft of XXX photos, which appear to depict the detective in a “compromising” situation – sans his clothing.

About the Author

George D. Schultz was born, December 22, 1931, in Detroit. He has lived in San Marcos and San Antonio, Texas, in Central New Jersey, in Western New York State, and – since 1977 – the Houston, Texas area. He served four years in the US Navy. Since the seventies, he has published two books, edited a magazine, and sold hundreds of short stories.