by George D. Schultz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/14/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 794
ISBN : 9781490719108
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 794
ISBN : 9781490719115

About the Book

Have you ever been totally flummoxed? One imagines that we all have – at one time or another. But, as dumbfounded, as Jason Rutkowski?
On September 11, 2001, he’s beside himself -- when so many people, in the Detroit area, appear to be completely unconcerned about 747s being flown into skyscrapers. An overwhelmingly-bewildering situation, for him! To add to his problems, he’s summarily sent home early, from his job.
He spots an old-time locomotive -- in the middle of a field! He boards the train -- and it begins to move! When it pulls into Michigan Central Depot, close by downtown Detroit, he’s in 1942! A few months after Pearl Harbor!
Here is a young man who -- for his entire lifetime -- has been beaten down, Mostly, by an overbearing mother, and an unprincipled employer. And now he’s confronted with having to face life -- in a totally-unfamiliar culture! In amongst a world of people -- all of whom are perfect strangers!

About the Author

George was born in Detroit, Michigan, in the early 1930s and grew up during a time before the microwaved dinner was eaten in front of the TV, expired nuclear-powered spy satellites dropped back to earth, or violence from half the world away was posted on YouTube two seconds after it occurred. It was a time when boys played baseball in sandlots, girls played house, teenagers went to family-rated movies, families enjoyed the same radio programs, and nothing was better than a great mystery novel. How things changed! In what is laughingly referred to as his adult life, our boy has lived in Detroit, Central New Jersey, Western New York’s Niagara Frontier, and San Marcos, San Antonio, and Houston, in Texas. He is the proud papa of seven kids!