Parole ... For A Murderer?

by George D. Schultz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/16/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 540
ISBN : 9781426958298
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 540
ISBN : 9781426958304

About the Book

Perhaps you've heard of Richard Speck. He'd murdered eight nurses, in Chicago, in 1965. He was caught, tried, convicted. Sentenced to death. In 1972, The Supreme Court decided that capital punishment was "cruel and unusual punishment". All death sentences were commuted to Life Imprisonment. In Illinois, Speck became eligible for parole in 1976. In Bad Blood, Wessley H. Burleson kills "only" four stewardesses -- and rapes a fifth. He is caught, tried, convicted. Sentenced to death. His sentence also becomes life. When his case comes up, he is granted parole. He leads the authorities on a merry chase -- leaving a deadly path of human debris in his wake.

About the Author

George D. Schultz was born in Detroit, Michigan on December 22, 1931. He has sired seven children – all of whom have, according to our George, “turned out magnificently”. He has lived in Detroit; San Marcos and San Antonio, Texas; Central New Jersey; Buffalo, New York. Now, in retirement, in Houston, Texas.