The Use and Abuse of Sport and Physical Activity

Book Details
About the Book
I am not against sport and related physical activity. What I am arguing is that, employed properly and correctly, exercise and sport–as one of a number of vital social forces (e.g., nationalism, ecology)–could contribute to the improvement of the current situation in human health enormously. Additionally, in the case of related physical activity (i.e., regular exercise or “physical activity education”) in the developed world, I believe humans are too often “abusing it by first not understanding it, and then by not using it more intelligently”! (Ironically, in the “undeveloped world,” people often get too much “exercise” just to stay alive!) Moreover, I believe that the active use of competitive sport worldwide to promote what have been called moral values, traits or attributes leading to world peace and good will, as opposed to so-called socio-instrumental values that often are overly self-serving. This would tend to create a social force of such strength and power that humankind might be helped as it confronts the social and physical devastation looming ahead. At the very least, I believe such active promotion would delay to a considerable degree the onset of what is increasingly becoming a destructive societal situation.)
About the Author
After 70 years in the field as an administrator, professor, coach, author, and professional leader, Dr. Zeigler that we are using human physical activity well in some ways, but that we are also abusing it badly in others! In the case of competitive sport, he believes we have gradually abused it so that feels that sport has become overly commercialized. and could well be doing more harm than good..,